Author Topic: CS, doomgoo  (Read 5529 times)


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CS, doomgoo
« on: January 31, 2010, 04:54:59 am »
I just recently got back to my dingoo and I Figured out Dmenu. So now i have doomgoo. Everything works, but I do want to get the counter strike mod but so far all i have down is getting the icon to appear, Is it because the executable file is a .deh
Here is where i found it [/color]
Thanks, Seriousfeet

Lord Rocket

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Re: CS, doomgoo
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2010, 09:28:21 pm »
A .deh isn't an executable file dude. It's more like a ROM hack.

Personally speaking I play a lot of Doom on the PC and now on the Dingoo and I found the DoomGOO scripts to be, frankly, quite useless - the assumed folder hierarchy was awkward and nothing worked, after I tried to change it. So now I make my own scripts.
Try doing this instead:

1) find your iwad and your pwads (an iwad is the doom wad itself; it'll either be called doom.wad, doom2.wad, tnt.wad or plutonia.wad depending on which Doom game you've got. A pwad is a 'patch wad,' ie. a mod), including any .deh files, and dump them all in your PRBoom folder. This should be /usr/local/prboom or similar.
2) Grab Notepad2 or similar. You need to use Unix format for this file, so you can't do it with Wordpad or normal Notepad. In NP2 you can make your file Unix format simply by going up to File > Line Endings > Unix (LF).
3) Type the following:

Code: [Select]
cd /usr/local/ports/prboom
./prboom -iwad ./doom2.wad -file ./cstrike.wad -deh ./cstrike.deh

4) Save as, preferably in the prboom directory (dmenu seems to be fussy about shit like that, it might not work if you put it somewhere else)
5) Slip the *.sh file into the menu. You should already know how to do that.
6) Before you start the level, I strongly recommend clocking the Dingoo to 400mHz. Doom runs a bit slow if you don't.

Two things:
Unix and it's derivatives (like, say... Dingux) are case sensitive so if your Doom II iwad - for example - is called DoOm2.wad then you will have to type -iwad ./DoOm2.wad. Once you have used Linux for a while all your filenames will be in lower case.
This .wad should also work with tnt.wad and plutonia.wad, but not with doom.wad. So if you don't have Doom 2 you can still run it.

You may be thinking, 'look at all that shit I have to do. Why bother?'
Well, check this out. That's the /idgames/ archive, some 16 years worth of levels made for Doom. If you know how to write a short little script like the one above, with some minor modifications (eg. if the wad came with no .deh file, leave out the -deh part. And change the names), you can play most* of them on your Dingoo without having to wait for, or beg, someone else to do it for you. That's a lot of levels.

* Without going into it too much, PRBoom will play Vanilla Doom, Limit Removing, and Boom levels. This should be mentioned in the text file that comes with the wad, so read that carefully.
Here's a wad selected more or less at random; You can see at the top of the text file (scroll down), Advanced engine needed: Limit Removing Port Recommended. So this one would run with PRBoom.
Here's another that would not. You can see where, about 3/5s of the way down, it says Source Port: GZDoom 1.0.03+.

EDIT: Added a link to Notepad2. Meant to do that in the first place, sorry.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2010, 09:38:38 pm by Lord Rocket »


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Re: CS, doomgoo
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2010, 11:09:59 pm »
So, I throw in everything that comes in the download which is, cstrike.wad, cstrike.deh plus doom2.wad into prboom.
then I use notepad2 and save the .sh file with unix line endings into prboom.You said i should know to "slip" the .sh into the menu but all I can think of is adding the .sh file into here
Icon = "res/ports/doomgoo/cstrike.png"
Name = "Doom II - Counter-Strike"
Executable = "chmod +x prboom ; ./prboom -deh cstrike.deh -file cstrike.wad -sh"
WorkDir = "/usr/local/ports/doomgoo/doom219"
Is there something i'm missing here?

Thanks for the reply, I did wonder why I have to bother with all this shit

Lord Rocket

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Re: CS, doomgoo
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2010, 11:44:47 pm »
It should look more like this one:

Code: [Select]
Icon = "res/ports/doomgoo/cstrike.png"
Name = "Doom II - Counter-Strike"
Executable = "./"
WorkDir = "/usr/local/ports/prboom/"

An .sh file is like a .bat file in DOS/Windows so you don't need to put the full executable in the menu, just the shell script (the .sh). PRBoom won't recognise an '-sh' parameter anyway - here's a list of parameters Doom does use. Not that you'll need any of those (maybe -warp if you want to skip to a particular level, and -fast if you like things that are hard).
Your WorkDir in dmenu needs to be the same directory your .wads, .dehs, and executables - that's prboom in this case - are in, so you'll have to change that as appropriate (the example above is where I keep my Doom stuff).
DMenu doesn't seem to like referring to stuff outside of the defined WorkDir, which is why I wanted you to put all the wads and things in the one folder.

Lord Rocket

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Re: CS, doomgoo
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2010, 12:11:04 am »
OK, I did a little test to make sure everything was working OK via DMenu, since I've had trouble loading pwads from DMenu before (which is one reason why I prefer FSM). I didn't test CS specifically, but rather a pwad called Xenus Revised. That shouldn't matter though.
Anyway, point is it all worked perfectly (I even opened and resaved everything using Notepad2 w. Unix line ends to make sure). Here's what all relevant files look like, to give you an idea of what :

cd /usr/local/ports/prboom/
./prboom -iwad ./doom.wad -file ./pk_doom_sfx.wad ./xenusrev.wad
I'm actually loading two pwad files there. The level pack (xenusrev) and Per Kristian's sound wad, which has some slightly nicer versions of the original Doom sounds.

Menu Ports
Icon = "res/games.png"
Name = "Games"

MenuItem Doom
Icon = "res/ports/doom.png"
Name = " Doom"

SubMenuItem DoomI
Icon = "res/ports/ultimatedoom.png"
Name = " Doom"
Executable = "./prboom -iwad ./doom.wad -file ./pk_doom_sfx.wad"
WorkDir = "/usr/local/ports/prboom"

SubMenuItem DoomII
Icon = "res/ports/doom.png"
Name = " Doom II - Hell on Earth"
Executable = "./prboom -iwad ./doom2.wad -file ./pk_doom_sfx.wad"
WorkDir = "/usr/local/ports/prboom"

SubMenuItem xenusrev
Icon = "res/ports/doom.png"
Name = " Xenus Rev"
Executable = "./"
WorkDir = "/usr/local/ports/prboom"

MenuItem ScummVM
Icon = "res/emulators/scummvm.png"
Name = " Scummvm"
Executable = "./scummvm.dge"
WorkDir = "/usr/local/ports/scummvm"

I've got my Doom stuff organised into a submenu, but yeah. The important thing is you can see how I just reference the .sh in the Executable section (look under SubMenuItem xenusrev).

Finally, here's a picture of my PRBoom folder, basically just to prove I didn't try and cheat and do anything under Linux.
It's a big mess.


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Re: CS, doomgoo
« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2010, 03:31:35 am »
Wow I got it to work, thanks a million. You realy cleared up alot for me. I'm glad theres an open source community that can halp with stuf like this. The WAD itself isnt that great, but playing the games only half the fun right? Now I know how to get most of the rest of the wads on myself. Plus I can the use the .sh files with the new Gmenu2x.
Thanks again for spending the time on helping me firgure this out> ;D


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