Kendy asked to me about this device and i start asking to people to know their opinions.
There are a big part of users that don?t have any interest on this device, because there is no gaming controls on it.
Then centering on the other part of users, these that are interested on UMPC aspect, show some interest on it, but there is a part that comment they will really interested if the device is cheaper than GPD-Win (up to 200usd, no more). I understand this device will be so similar to current GPD-Win, then price will be similar too, then these users really will not get interested on this device, considering the final price is around 300usd or more.
Then, i centered on users that keep interesting on the device. They are only few guys that get real interest on the device, but talking with some of them, they requeriments may be fulfit with any other Window tablet on the market. the reasons are the following:
- GPD-Win is really portable device. you can put on your pocket and go. Any other device biggest than the Win will need a proper bag/backpack/etc for transport, then is not so portable as the Win.
Considering this point, if you will use a backpack for transporting this 7" UMPC, then you most probably can carry a 10" tablet + keyboard. This will not give to you a real difference between these two devices for transporting
- 7" size will not bring a keyboard size that can be used normally with all your fingers. In any case, will be used with two fingers.
- The size of the keyboard will be so big for use the device in portable mode, this is, holding with your hands and writting with your thumbs, because you must have a very long hands for typing with easy, using the center of the keyboard. (my case, i have mid-small hands, and i get not comfortable many times when typing on the Win, trying to reach the center of the keyboard)
- The price will most probably will similar to GPD-Win (in fact, is the same device with biggest screen, redesigned keyboard and biggest battery, without gamepad, but compensate i think on the cost)
- Considering the previous points, any windows (dual-os) tablet + keyboard case will give the same portability and (even better) experience of usage as 7" UMPC, with less cost than GPD-Win
Note that this is what i conclude talking with other users.
Now, my personal opinion is: GPD must center on the new market they created, starting with GPD-Win, a device with gaming features for portable windows gaming.
I think, a GPD-Win in 6" or 7" with small redesigns maybe a good alternative. Something where keyboard will be a little bit bigger size, and keep the gaming controls. (and a tiny border for get a big screen without lossing area)
This will cover the UMPC part for people that want a mini-notebook, with a better keyboard than GPD-Win 5,5" device
This will cover the Gaming need for people that wants a 7" device for windows gaming.
My suggested "small" changes for this device are the following:
- add a second card reader (a full sized slot). Many users will be glad on getting two card readers on the device. This open a way to expand storage on the device in a cheaper way, with SD Cards.
- Add more Full Sized USB ports. This will be nice to see 2x3.0 USB and 2x2.0 USB ports (or 1x3.0 and 3x2.0). In any case, adding USB ports on the device will increase their connectivity and usability as UMPC device, expanding their usages for many kind of applications, not only storage (external devices, printers, testers, etc). Is nice that GPD-Win have a full sized USB 3.0 port, but many we (as users) must connect an USB Hub for adding more ports to the device.
- Redesign the keyboard. Move the right button bar to the center of the device, between the analog sticks. this is, for long, the most requested fix on the GPD-Win and is a must be for next designs of the device.
- Mouse stick is a good idea in my opinion, but maybe replaced by an OFN device placed on the corner of the device. A OFN device give a better precise and comfortable mouse solution tan mouse stick (and is relatively cheap piece of hardware)
- The gamepad controls on this device will be a secondary element, then may keep the same size than GPD-Win (maybe the DPAD can be a little bit bigger). Keep the location on the top of the device, will give space for the keyboard to be biggest than GPD-Win, considering now is a 7" device.
- Add a RJ45 Gigabit port. this is very useful for UMPC aspect of the device.
The rest, keep the current GPD-Win features/specs
And yes, aluminium is a very cool material/color ^_^