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Ipod movie files?


Since a lot of podcasts and movies are made compitable with the ipod, I want them to use them on my Dingoo.
But thnx to apple there all in some kind of crappy format.
I got podcasts in m4a format...
Movie files in mp4 format.
So I can convert them and so on, but that is a lot of work (or time)

Are there any dingux programs that can work with these formats?
Like mplayer? or gooplayer?
Can goo player play m4a?
And mplayer mp4? I will test it out but I bought such a damn slow sd card....
So if nobody knows it directly I will post the answers myself here. Eventually...

I've made some tests in the non-IPU mplayer.
Videos acquired from here.

Title: V for Vendetta movie trailer
Format: m4v
Size: 21MB
Video details: VIDEO:  [MP4V]  480x194  24bpp  25.000 fps  1143.3 kbps (139.6 kbyte/s)
336MHz: video lags
430MHz: video plays perfectly

Title: The Iron Giant
Format: mp4
Size: 214MB
Video details: VIDEO:  [MP4V]  320x240  24bpp  23.976 fps  244.0 kbps (29.8 kbyte/s)
336MHz: video doesn't start
430MHz: video doesn't start


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